The Wife Cannabis Strain Review

January 16, 2020 Marijuana Strains Comments Off on The Wife Cannabis Strain Review

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What could be more comforting than coming home to the warm embrace of your loving wife? As though releasing you from the stress and pressure of the day’s load of work, a wifey’s gentle care can soothe away even the deepest of worries. And in the same way, The Wife promises to massage your apprehensions until they’re completely dissolved.

This ultra-calming strain personifies its name to a tee, providing unrivalled release and freedom versus the daily discomforts that might make everyday life a struggle. And just like your wifey would, this cultivar takes control. Holding you by the collar and strapping you into your seat, The Wife dominates the body and shows you who’s boss, all under the alluring aroma of her feminine fragrance and delicate smoke.

The Wife’s Lineage

Presently, there isn’t any substantial literature that sheds light on the heritage of the Wife strain. The mysterious variety seems to have popped onto the cannabis scene out of nowhere, but her commanding effects have sky rocketed her to popularity despite the lack of a background. Nonetheless, we do know that she isn’t a landrace phenotype owing to the fact that she demonstrates hybrid properties.

But for as enigmatic as her roots might be, the Wife’s robust CBD profile – one of the most potent on the market – has made her a top choice for breeding. Lots of marriages have happened between the Wife and a variety of other cannabis strains, birthing offspring that have established their own name in the market. Some include the Trophy Wife and the ever-popular Cherry Wine which is a direct descendant of The Wife.

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Appearance and Aroma

Unassuming at a glance, the Wife strain doesn’t really command attention from the get-go, just like a modest wife. But look at her closer and her distinct beauty shines through. The golden nugs glisten in the sun, twinkling with little dots of trichomes that bejewel and decorate her dress. Lift her skirt of leaves, and feminine pinks and purples – although low in saturation – add contrast and dynamism to her otherwise traditional appearance.

In the fragrance department, the Wife smells like you would expect her to. A feminine aroma of flowers and fruit take the foreground of the nose, and dominate the senses in a whirlwind of pleasantry. But underlining the aromatic experience, a dull skunkiness takes part in the encounter, nagging at the olfactories in true wife fashion.

Experience and Effects

The dense plumes of smoke produced by the herb when burnt and inhaled can be a bittersweet experience. A tug-of-war between sweet fruit and fragrant flowers versus deep dark skunk and earth ensues in the mouth, producing the typical notion of ‘can’t live with it, can’t live without it.’ The smoke, although thick and smooth over the tongue, can feel scratchy and abrasive as it passes down the throat. Nonetheless, the unique flavor experience can be an exciting trip that takes you through almost every known flavor in the cannabis world.

At the beginning, you might feel unchanged by the clouds of dense smoke. But don’t let the momentary pause fool you into taking another toke – the Wife’s powerful effects can be significantly amplified by taking extra doses. After a while of wait, a feather-light feeling compels your entire system from mind to muscle. The complete relaxation empties the mind and gently sedates the limbs, making you want to find a comfortable seat to unwind and stay put.

At the height of her effects, the Wife can whip you into absolute submission. The potent effects are spellbinding and consuming, leaving the mind blank and pushing the body into a desire for immobility. The result is a couch-locking experience that allows some cognition and wakefulness to pierce through.

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Growing and Processing

The Wife is a relatively compliant strain that can submit to your farming practices – as long as you meet her standards. Its moderately tall plant can reach anywhere from 4 to 6 feet in height, producing 4 to 5 ounces of bud for each foot it grows. Flowering can take up to 10 weeks, but some phenotypes have been known to take far less, only requiring around 7 weeks to reach its full maturity.

Lots of heat and sunlight is what the Wife loves best. Sunbathing in full sun exposure throughout daylight hours can help her reach full genetic expression, making it possible to max out her CBD limit. Dense trichomes should take shape towards the end of her growth, especially if you make sure to limit unnecessary moisture and humidity that might dampen her health.

With her incredible CBD content, the Wife makes the ideal bride for budding cannabis businessmen who want to produce their own cannabis-derived products. Her skyrocketing cannabinoid potency makes the ideal base for creating all sorts of concentrates, oils, and edibles, producing premium quality products that showcase the full power of cannabis in a non-smokables form.

Who Is It For?

Let’s face it – not everyone wants to be tied down in marriage. While the Wife promises exceeding relaxation and release, she’s not exactly for anyone in the cannabis market. Just like in life, only those with the right maturity and experience can fully enjoy the gifts that the Wife brings.

Veterans and connoisseurs with lots of exposure to intense cannabis strains can easily find satisfaction in the body-tingling, mind-numbing effects of this vibrant strain. On the other hand, immature boys and girls with little knowledge on the power of intense cannabis might find themselves overwhelmed by what the Wife brings to the table.

In the same light, individuals in search of their bread and butter for the manufacture of cannabis-derived products can find the perfect bride in the Wife strain. Quick to grow, easy to care for, and producing bountiful harvests for every plant brought to maturity, the Wife’s complex CBD chemistry makes her one of the strongest picks for cannabis-based products. So, whether you’re selling her flowers as is, or if you’re planning to put her through a wealth of other processes, you can be sure that the Wife can bring you fat returns for all your effort and time.

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