Watermelon Haze CBD Hemp Flower Strain Review

Just like a juicy slice of watermelon on a hot, summer day, the Watermelon Haze CBD hemp flower strain lends perfect relaxation that’s restful and clear. The strain was birthed from the combination of Watermelon and an unknown strain of Haze to create this relaxing cultivar that numbs the senses, clears the mind, and lifts away physical nuances.

The Watermelon Haze tastes fruity, bringing a blend of tropical fruits front and center, backed by a haze of earthy, piney flavors that make the strain truly relaxing from start to finish. Ideal for nighttime use, the Watermelon Haze cultivar has become exceedingly popular among users who want to enjoy a restful evening without the daytime stress beating down on their minds.

Watermelon Haze CBD hemp plants growing in green house


Where Does Watermelon Haze Come From?

Watermelon Haze was born from the union of Watermelon – a powerful 80% indica-dominant strain – and an unknown phenotype of Haze. Together, the two strains created Watermelon Haze – a potent cultivar that’s ideal for clarifying the mind and calming the body. The strain resembles its parent strain Watermelon very closely, manifesting most of the effects associated with it.

What does set them apart is that the Watermelon Haze strain also showcases a mild earthy, piney taste, that gives us an idea as to what the other parent strain might actually be.



The Effects of Watermelon Haze

The suppressant Watermelon Haze strain takes some time to manifest its effects. A few tokes in, and you’re likely to feel just the same as you did before you took the drag. But as time wears on, the cultivar shows its impressive potency and effects. A subtle, yet noticeable clarity starts to take over your mind. The lightness feels pleasant, and consumes your cognition to remove mental clutter and give rise to supreme calm.

As your head rises and floats in a dreamy state of clarity, the rest of your body follows suit. Physical tension, pressure, and stress are replaced by relaxation, urging your body into a state of slow, rhythmic breathing that further heightens the strain’s effects. As these changes take place, the cultivar then works to induce sleep.

The Watermelon Haze makes the ideal nighttime companion because of its impacts on the body and mind, making it possible for those with active thoughts and restlessness to achieve optimal sleep that makes you wake up feeling rested and refreshed. On the other hand, individuals who need to boost their energy and productivity might find this strain to be too much of a drag.



The Watermelon Haze Flavor Profile

closeup of Watermelon Haze CBD hemp bud

There’s a light fruitiness to the Watermelon Haze’s flavor profile. It blends together different tastes of tropical fruit which make it exceedingly pleasant, especially to those who prefer to do without the strong earthy undertones of most CBD hemp flower strains. Of course, the Watermelon Haze isn’t free of that pungent taste – the smoke is mostly responsible for that. But using a vape instead can help minimize the gasoline aftertaste to highlight the flavor of fruits that the strain is best known for.


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