Suver Haze Hemp Flower Strain Review

suver haze hemp plantsSuver Haze is a hemp flower strain which is quite interesting when it comes to the genetics. Suver Haze has originated from the Southern Oregon region. Suver Haze is a Sativa dominant hybrid and descends from a strain called Neville’s Haze.

The breeding of this strain is just as interesting. It was created from a Neville’s Haze male and a Special female, thought to be Krishna’s Special Sauce. From that, the phenotype which had most of the desired characteristics was chosen and the breeders arrived at Suver 8. After that Suver 8 was crossed with ERB and voila! Suver Haze was born, which is a low THC high-CBD industrial hemp flower.


Suver Haze Characteristics and Genetics

The Suver Haze hemp flower strain was bred keeping some very specific characteristics in mind. One of them was high levels of CBD. Therefore, it is of no surprise to us that Suver Haze boasts an average CBD percentage of 17.59%. The terpene profile is β-Myrcene, Farnesene, β-Caryophyllene.

Another desired characteristic of the Suver Haze strain is its mold-resistant properties and high yields. That is why the tight selective breeding of the Suver Haze strain has produced a hemp flower that is very special.

As mentioned earlier, Suver Haze is quite unique genetically. It has genetics similar to the Krishna’s Special Sauce and looks quite similar too. One thing is for certain, if you have ever enjoyed the flavor of Krishna’s Special Sauce, then you are sure to like Suver Haze hemp flower as well.


suver haze outdoor hemp field - plants before flowering


The Flavor Profile

With such a meticulously crafted strain you expect to have a very rich and strong flavor profile. This is something you can expect from a strain with this caliber of genetics. With its diverse terpene content, the flavor is earthy with a hint of orangish taste to it to balance out the overall experience. It really is like walking barefoot in an orange plantation.

That description might sound neat to some, but the ones who have tried Suver Haze hemp flower will certainly agree. It is something that is best experienced first-hand rather than read about. The exceptional flavor is achieved because of the terpene profile as mentioned above.


The Effects

The effects the Suver Haze strain is synonymous with the typical CBD flower experience. This hemp flower strain is perfect if you want to enjoy a chilled and laid-back time. It is recommended to smoke in the daytime or in the evening. This strain is not really a nighttime strain, given the effects that it has on the body. Overall, the effect is quite lifting and may give hours of rested relaxation as seen with other popular CBD flower strains.


Wrapping Up

In conclusion, the Suver Haze hemp flower strain has garnered many fans and loyal customers who have made repeat purchases from dispensaries. This customer behavior and loyalty speak volumes about the impact and how good this particular strain is.

When using Suver Haze, it is generally recommended by enthusiasts to be vaped or smoked. The effects are quite relaxing and mixed with its strong flavor and blend of smell, the experience of having such a quality strain is quite a unique one.

We did not expect any less from an Industrial Hemp flower variety such as this and it shows. It is great for growing as well, courtesy of the mold resistant and high yield. All in all Suver Haze is a top choice for hemp flower enthusiasts.


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