CBD Hemp Clones & Mother Plants

We produce and sell quality CBD hemp seedlings, clones and mother plants at our facility in Colorado Springs. IHF LLC is fully compliant and licensed with the Colorado Department of Agriculture.

IHF LLC takes rigorous quality control steps to preserve the genetics of our plants

IHF LLC is the top high-CBD hemp clone wholesaler in Colorado Springs. We currently produce over one-thousand industrial hemp clones per day. High-CBD hemp seeds, both unfeminized and feminized are also for sale at our facility in Colorado Springs. If you are interested to buy hemp clones, please reach out to a member of our sales team immediately as our premium hemp clones move fast.

IHF LLC can supply high-CBD bulk hemp clones at the cheapest prices. Currently, we produce over 1000 CBD industrial hemp clones each and every day and are increasing this supply in 2019. We also produce regular mother plants and mini mothers.

Our clones and hemp plants are the best quality at the cheapest prices that will produce high-CBD content industrial grade hemp biomass for CBD crude, distillate or isolate extraction. Currently, we offer high-CBD hemp mother plants, mini mother plants and clones for sale. Please contact us to arrange a sales call or tour of our hemp cloning facility in Colorado.

Mother hemp plants for sale

IHF LLC offers premium high-CBD hemp mother plants for sale in bulk. Our mother plants are grown directly in our nursery on a 24-hour light cycle. These mother clones are grown specifically for their high level of CBD content. The mother plants for sale are perfect for cloning and are bred with strong genetics to fight off diseases and insects. To learn more about our mother clones, please contact us.

Mini mother hemp plants for sale

We also offer a selection of high-CBD mini mother plants. These plants are smaller than our regular mother plants but bred with the same genetics and high CBD potency. They are perfect for growing high-CBD industrial hemp. We will be happy to supply a quote and would love to have you come see our facility at any time. Please reach out to the IHF LLC sales team for more information about our mini mother hemp plants for sale. We offer bigger discounts for bulk purchases.

Regular high-CBD hemp clones

Our hemp clones are the most affordable. If you are looking for high-CBD industrial hemp clones, please reach out to us. We also offer hemp futures contracts and profit sharing. Our clones are produced with the utmost care and quality. We have a ton of regular hemp clones, hemp seeds and a limited supply of mother and mini-mother plants available for purchase now. Please reach out to us now to learn more.

Contact IHF for a Quote






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