Presidential Race 2024: Lead Candidates Position on Hemp and THCA Flower

August 24, 2024 Blog No Comments »

The U.S. presidential race is heading into its home stretch, but do you know the positions of all three candidates on hemp and THCA flower? We’ve done our research to uncover where each of the three candidates, Kamala Harris, Donald Trump, and Robert Kennedy, stand on major hemp and cannabis-related topics. Here’s what we found out: 

Kamala Harris’ Position on Hemp and THCA Flower

Being a former prosecutor, Kamala Harris understandably was not a strong advocate for cannabis reform. However, in recent years, her position has shifted to supporting legalization and reform measures. 

Co-sponsor of Several Bills Supporting Cannabis

Today, she supports marijuana legalization and, in fact, has co-sponsored several reform bills, including the SAFE Banking Act, the Marijuana Justice Act, and the MORE Act. These bills aim to decriminalize cannabis at a federal level, expunge the records of nonviolent marijuana offenders, and support the cannabis industry as a whole. 

Marijuana Arrests Affecting Communities of Color

In particular, Kamala Harris has been emphatic about the need to deal with the disproportionate impact of cannabis laws on communities of color. She once stated that “nobody should have to go to jail for simple marijuana possession” and has drawn attention to the racial disparities in marijuana-related arrests.

Support for Reclassifying Cannabis to a Less Restrictive Schedule

During her time as Biden’s vice president, she has also supported the Biden administration’s review of how marijuana is classified under the Controlled Substances Act. She advocates for reclassifying it to a less restrictive schedule. 

What is Her Stance on Hemp and THCA Flower?

Regarding THCA flower and hemp specifically, Kamala Harris has yet to specifically address these two points; however, given her broader support for cannabis reforms suggests that she would be favorable toward these products as part of an overall cannabis legalization movement. 

Donald Trump’s Position on Hemp and THCA Flower

Donald Trump’s position on cannabis has been a mix of his personal opinion as well as policy actions he took while president. 

A Proponent of State Rights

He has often stated that marijuana legalization should be left up to individual states to decide without interference from the federal government. This is in line with his broader policy regarding the federal government’s involvement in drug policy. 

Support for Medical Marijuana

Trump has expressed support “100% in favor” of medical marijuana and acknowledges its benefits for people suffering from serious health issues.

Less Support for Recreational Marijuana

Trump is less supportive of recreational marijuana, calling it “problematic” and often using Colorado as an example. 

Federal Decisions

Trump signed the 2018 Farm Bill, which legalized hemp and created new opportunities for the hemp industry. At the same time, he also rescinded the Cole Memorandum, which deprioritized federal enforcement of marijuana laws in states where it was legal. 

What is His Stance on Hemp and THCA Flower?

Donald Trump hasn’t released a specific stance around hemp or THCA flower. However, he’s generally viewed as being “cannabis ambivalent”. His approach focuses on state rights and has a mixed record on reform. He supports its medical use. 

Robert Kennedy’s Position on Hemp and THCA Flower

An independent candidate, Robert Kennedy has strongly been in favor of cannabis reform, including marijuana legalization. He has made pledges that if elected president, he’ll decriminalize cannabis at the federal level and let states regulate it without interference from the federal government. 

His plan includes using tax revenue generated from legal cannabis sales to fund drug treatment and rehabilitation centers focused on treating mental health and addiction. He has not specifically addressed hemp or THCA flower, but given his support for cannabis reform, he would likely have a supportive stance on these products as well. 

He also advocates for allowing cannabis businesses to use traditional banking services to help prevent the cash-dependent nature of the industry. 

What Would Changes in Cannabis Laws Mean for Consumers?

Legalizing and regulating cannabis products, including THCA flower and hemp, would mean numerous changes for consumers. Increased access to cannabis products, as well as a reduction in illicit market risks, would be one of the most noticeable. By reducing the illegal market, there’s also the potential to increase tax revenue. 

Studies have also shown that legalizing medical cannabis helps decrease deaths from opioid overdoses. For patients who use cannabis for therapeutic purposes, legalization would allow them to continue to do so without the fear of legal repercussions. Research is also discovering even more benefits of this highly versatile plant, including the use of cannabidiol as an antiseizure, antianxiety, and antipsychotic medication. 

Legalizing cannabis would also help in job creation. The cannabis industry is one of the fastest-growing sectors, with numerous job roles available from cultivation to retail. Legalization also reduces the disproportionate effect of criminalization on people of color and helps relieve the burden on the criminal justice system. Better control of cannabis also means better safety and quality standards and more informed public policy as a whole. 

As you can see, legalizing and regulating cannabis products would have a number of benefits for our society in terms of jobs, mental wellness, addiction rehabilitation, and much more. 

At Industrial Hemp Farms, we wholeheartedly believe in the power of this incredible plant and source our products from the highest-quality hemp grown right here on our farms. Whether you’re looking for the highest-grade CBD flower, want to buy hemp flower in bulk, or you’re interested in expanding your horizons with THCA or edibles, we can help. Our commitment to quality and superior service ensures that you get the very best of the best, backed by third-party certificates that attest to the quality and purity of our hemp. 

View our expanded range of products for yourself, try something new, or experiment with hemp-infused products ranging from body lotion to lip palms. We offer a wide variety of products for every taste and lifestyle, and we’re happy to help answer any questions you may have! 

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