How to Buy CBD Flower Online in 2024

August 04, 2024 Blog No Comments »

Buying CBD flower in person is a great way to verify the quality of your product before you buy it. In a physical store, you can pick up the flower, smell it, feel it, and ask the employees questions to get the best strain and amount for your needs. 

That being said, many people live in areas without access to a local CBD flower distributor. This can make it difficult for them to access the products they’re interested in. In many cases, their only options are driving long distances or buying online. 

The benefits of buying CBD flower online

Buying CBD flower online is convenient and accessible, and can actually have a few benefits over buying in person. 

To begin with, when you’re ordering online, you can explore different distributors to get the best quality and pricing. This allows you to be more thoughtful with your purchases and make sure that you’re confident in the business and the individuals you’re supporting with your purchase.

You can also explore a wider range of strains and flavors than you would be able to access in a physical store. Many online retailers have rotating options so that you can try new, seasonal flavors and blends that might be difficult to otherwise try. 

There may also be options for buying in bulk if you are a distributor yourself, and potentially setting up recurring purchases to keep yourself in supply. These options are especially useful for people who live in areas with limited or no physical access, as it means having to deal with the logistics of ordering less often. 

The best place to buy CBD flower online in 2024

When buying CBD flower online in 2024, there are a few things to consider.

  • Where does your supplier operate? Most CBD suppliers operate out of states where CBD and cannabis generally are completely legalized for the sake of simplicity when it comes to deciphering the laws around these substances. 
  • Where does your supplier ship to? Many carriers of CBD products will have a list of locations they are willing and allowed to send their products to. Some may not offer service in certain states or regions for bureaucratic reasons. 
  • How long are the estimated shipping times? This can affect the quality of your CBD flower. It’s also a good idea to see if you can find any information about how the CBD flower is packaged. 

Looking for the best place to order CBD flower online in 2024? Look no further than Industrial Hemp Farms (IHF). 

Renowned for their high-quality CBD flower selection, the team at IHF offers products that are meticulously tested, clean, and legally grown and distributed from their Colorado base. IHF partners with seasoned hemp growers to source and deliver CBD flowers in a variety of popular strains and unique flavors that you won’t find anywhere else. Whether you’re new to CBD or a seasoned user, their extensive selection caters to all levels of experience and flavor preferences, including hybrids, ensuring you can find your ideal combination of flavors and potency.

For business owners, IHF also provides wholesale options, allowing you to offer the finest CBD flowers to your clients. Sampler bundles are available as well, to make it easier to explore different options and find the varieties that work best for you.

Visit their website to explore the full range of high-quality CBD flower options from Industrial Hemp Farms.

FAQ for buying CBD flower online

If you’re still a little leery about your options, here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about buying CBD flower online. 

Is CBD flower legal in all 50 states?

According to federal law, CBD products (including CBD flower) are legal only if they have been harvested from cannabis plants with less than 0.3% THC. The cultivation and distribution of CBD products are monitored by the FDA even though officially, CBD itself isn’t considered a controlled substance. That being said, you should only be buying CBD flower from approved, transparent sellers. 

Can you get CBD flower shipped to you?

You can get CBD flower shipped to you in the United States from properly approved distributors. This is due to limits placed by the FDA on CBD products due to their relationship with marijuana, which is a controlled substance and can’t be shipped in most of the US.

Can CBD be shipped through USPS or FedEx?

You can ship CBD flower through any United States mail system, including USPS, UPS, and FedEx so long as the CBD flower is derived from a qualifying hemp plant rather than marijuana and it otherwise follows all local, state, and federal regulations for mailing.

What is the shelf life of CBD flower?

When stored in a cool, dark, dry room, CBD flower remains stable for roughly one to two years. Stored CBD flower shouldn’t be used if you can see whitish or grey spots or coating on the surface, if it smells unpleasant or moldy, or if it is particularly fragile. It’s best to vacuum-seal CBD flower if you’re planning to store it long-term or ship it long distances.

Read More: Finding Quality CBD Flower Online in Bulk

Read More: Complete Guide to Smoking CBD Flower: Benefits & More

Read More: The Complete Buyer’s Guide to CBD Flower for Sale

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