Healthy Heart CBD Hemp Flower Strain Review

With crystallized terpenes flecked over the leaves of this bright, light green strain, Healthy Heart boasts a potent citrus-fruity flavor that can be especially pleasant. With a subtle earthy bitterness towards the end of the drag, the Healthy Heart strain offers a unique blend of tastes that truly set it apart from other choices.

As an indica-dominant strain, Healthy Heart CBD is a relaxant, calming the nerves and clearing the mind so you can enjoy relative quietness especially if you struggle with cognitive and physical tension.

Healthy Heart CBD hemp plants growing in green house



The Effects of Healthy Heart CBD

The Healthy Heart CBD strain was developed for night time use. The indica-dominant strain works to suppress the senses, giving rise to a strong sense of calmness and relaxation that supports better rest and sleep. Working slowly and gradually, Healthy Heart CBD’s effects might not be noticeable at first. But as the substance courses through p-0your system, you’ll sense a gradual lightness taking over your body.

When full blown, Healthy Heart can take you into a state of complete relaxation. Your mind becomes blank and your body is relieved of tension and pressure so you can rest peacefully and without disturbance. Ideal for people who might struggle with the effects of daily stress and racing thoughts, Healthy Heart CBD flower might be a sound solution for those hours after a long and tiring day.

Most of the strains effects can be felt on the body. Lifting physical pressure and tension off, Healthy Heart is often a go-to strain for those who might struggle with daily discomfort that plagues the muscles and bones.

On the other hand, because of its sedative effects, Healthy Heart CBD might not make such a good choice if you’re looking for the benefits of CBD flower during daylight hours. Taking a dose of Healthy Heart when you need to be alert and concentrated might work against your favor. So if you were looking for something to help you improve your productivity, you might be better off with a different strain.

The Healthy Heart CBD Flavor Profile

Right off the bat, Healthy Heart might hit you in the throat with a sour citrus flavor that makes up its main taste. This potent fruity terpene flavor is then engulfed in bitterness, and the entire drag is topped off with a strong gasoline finish. The substance can be exceptionally pleasant to smoke, taking you on a journey of flavors as each second passes.

closeup of Healthy Heart CBD hemp bud

Then again, there are others who might not be too pleased with the Healthy Heart CBD flavor profile. The strong combination of sour and bitter can leave a strange aftertaste in the mouth, exacerbating the effects of cotton mouth. If you’re not keen on the strain’s flavor, consider using it on other ways, such as vapor, oil, or tincture.

All in all, Healthy Heart combines a blend of unique flavors with potent effects on the mind and body to produce a powerful sedative strain that’s ideal for night time use. If you’re one of the many who suffers from difficulty sleeping, stress, physical tension, or other nuances that might prevent you from achieving peace, then Healthy Heart might be for you.


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