Indoor vs Outdoor vs Greenhouse Hemp Cultivation


You’d think it shouldn’t matter where you grow your hemp – as long as it grows. But science proves otherwise. These days, cultivators have the option to grow their hemp indoors, outdoors, or even in greenhouses, and lab tests have shown that samples grown in these different conditions also manifest varied properties.

Way back when hemp had yet to be legalized, growers didn’t really have much of a choice as to where they would grow their harvest. But now that we’ve got some freedom, growing outdoors or in greenhouses have compounded the decision making that cultivators have to go through.

Now the question is, which growing conditions produce the best hemp – indoors, outdoors, or greenhouses? Here’s what you need to know.


Growing Hemp Indoors

indoor grown hemp plants

For growers hoping to use their very own, home-grown hemp often prefer cultivating their plant indoors. Easier to manage, indoor-grown hemp tends to be far less prone to things like mold, mildew, and pests. Plus, because they’re sheltered from unpredictable weather conditions, it also becomes easier to fine-tune the conditions they’re in.

On the downside, indoor grown hemp tends to demonstrate less prominent trichomes. Aside from the fact that this can water down the sample’s aesthetic, its impact on taste and aroma can also be significantly prominent.

You’ll notice that indoor grown hemp tends to look cleaner, with its leaves less weathered and its glistening coating hazier compared to a sample grown outdoors. In terms of flavor and fragrance, these harvests tend to be slightly milder which may make them a good choice for low tolerance users who don’t necessarily enjoy the strong experience that outdoor choices provide.

Who is Indoor Growing For?

First time growers with little practical knowledge and experience in growing hemp might have better success cultivating their plant indoors. With reduced risk for contaminants and pests and a limited need for technical skill, indoor grown hemp can be an easy start to learning the ropes and developing your own techniques for more challenging conditions later on.

In the same light, growers who plan to use their hemp for private use might be more inclined to adapt indoor conditions. Of course, that is if you’re not particularly sensitive to the marginal taste and aroma differences that indoor-grown hemp tends to produce compared to its other counterparts.

Pros of Indoor Growing

Cons of Indoor Growing


Growing Hemp Outdoors

outdoor grown hemp plants

Although slightly more challenging than growing indoors, going that extra mile to give your hemp what it naturally requires can significantly heighten flavor, aroma, and experience. Sunlight, fresh air, and lots of space to grow and stretch can give your plants the opportunity to achieve the full expression of its genetic potential.

On top of that, the outdoors can be a wonderful place to cultivate your plants if you’re looking to spend the least on the entire process. With minimal need for added expenses like artificial light, tarps, and fans, outdoor hemp won’t require much else than the soil and sun that you can get for free.

But of course, there’s no such thing as the perfect growing condition. In many cases, outdoor plants can be far more prone to pests and contaminants, which may make them more laborious to watch out for. At the same time, there’s no way to tell whether the weather will work in your flavor. In most instance, you’ll only be able to grow hemp outdoors during certain seasons.

Who is Outdoor Growing For?

If you’ve got substantial outdoor space and good weather conditions that are typically sunny and dry, then growing your hemp outdoors might be the ideal choice. This low-cost option can produce impressive quality hemp without overburdening your pocket.

On a separate note, it’s also worth saying that outdoor growing might be best intended for those who have the time and willingness to step outside and keep a watchful eye on their plants. Because outdoor-grown hemp tends to be more prone to pests and unwanted growths, maintaining your presence throughout the process can minimize the opportunity for these potential threats.

Growing Hemp in Greenhouses

hemp plants being grown in an indoor greenhouse

Greenhouse-grown hemp is often the most flavorful and aromatic of all. Protected from the damaging UV rays of the sun, these harvests still receive much needed natural warmth and light in a protected setting. Inside a greenhouse, growers have better opportunity to optimize humidity, temperature, and light to produce superior hemp.

On the downside, the expense of putting up a greenhouse can be hefty on the wallet. If you’re growing for a small market or simply for yourself, then a modest structure may fall within reasonable cost limits. But for those hoping to provide hemp to a larger commercial audience, then an expansive greenhouse can be a major investment.

Finally, it’s also worth mentioning that greenhouses aren’t always the perfect places to grow hemp. Relying on seasons and weather conditions, the situation inside a greenhouse will only be optimal if the outdoors permit. That said, even with a premier greenhouse, there’s no guarantee that you’d be able to grow all year round.

Who is Greenhouse Growing For?

Industrial hemp cultivators are often those who leverage greenhouse growing, but there are some smaller operations and even private individuals who opt for this specific method. For the most part, it’s the people who are invested in quality that choose to grow in greenhouses because of the supreme hemp quality the process produces.

This is the reason why hemp growers who distribute and sell their product to resellers or end users often opt for greenhouses because of the top-quality hemp they produce. In effect, these companies have the leverage to slap a heftier price tag on their product.

Pros of Greenhouse Growing

Cons of Greenhouse Growing



If you’re thinking of growing your own hemp – whether to sell or to simple enjoy by your stony lonesome – it pays to know where to grow it. Hemp tends to change depending on the conditions of their immediate environment, and understanding what you’re willing to do to achieve the kind of quality you want should tell you where best to grow your strain.

Indoor, outdoor, and greenhouse grown hemp all have their benefits. But choosing the right method for you all depends on how much time, effort, and money you’re willing to spend on your gardening project.

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