Papaya Cannabis Strain Review

April 25, 2020 Marijuana Strains Comments Off on Papaya Cannabis Strain Review

Papaya Cannabis Strain

Named after the sweet, creamy, tropical fruit, the Papaya cannabis strain is a dreamy, flavor-packed herb that delivers perfectly proportioned effects. Despite being a pure indica, this cultivar behaves more like a hybrid, bringing on the benefits of both indica and sativa genetics. Altogether, the strain relaxes and energizes, helping you enjoy the best of both worlds in one lip-smacking smoke.

But of course, the indica pedigree does shine through, with the experience ultimately ending in a dreamlike state that weighs heavily on the eyelids and cradles you off into an uninterrupted slumber. So if you’re hoping to relax, unwind, and laugh a little before bed, the a bowlful of Papaya might serve as your nightcap staple.


Origins of the Papaya Strain

The daughter of three different strains, the Papaya herb entailed a preliminary cross before finally being mixed in with its third parent strain’s genetics. The trifecta of cannabis phenotypes that are included in the mixture are Mango, Citral, and Ice – all of which come from the same breeder.

Mango is a pure indica that’s most closely mirrored by the Papaya offspring. Its fruity, tropical flavors and slightly sativa-laced effects are almost entirely reflected in the Papaya herb’s genetics, making it the main contributor to the overall genetic outcome. What sets it apart from its offspring is its strong gasoline undertone that’s ultimately lacking in the Papaya herb.

Select phenotypes of Citral and Ice were first crossed together before finally being mixed in with Mango. The resulting substrain was a well-balanced hybrid with slightly more dominant sativa effects. For that reason, the Papaya comes out strong with noticeable sativa qualities that add to its overall appeal as a proportioned cultivar.



Papaya Cannabis bud



Aroma and Appearance

The Papaya plant looks like a true-blue indica at a glance. The short, stubby growth demonstrates dense, clustered leaves that are packed together. With a bush that’s short in stature, the nugs of the plant follow suit and showcase pretty much the same dense, tightly packed clusters. The globular nugs are small compared to other strains, but what they lack in size, they make up for with color.

Brandishing the colors of every tropical fruit known to man, this work of art just oozes with bag appeal right off the get go. The nugs – mostly avocado green in color – are seasoned with delicate mists of pink, purple, orange, and yellow. These different hues are hardly mixed together, so you can actually map out where the blotches borders are. That said, the dalmatian aesthetic can be totally eye-popping, making for a truly psychedelic appearance that adds to bag appeal.

And as you might have guessed, anyone who goes as far as inspecting the nugs up close is destined to crack open the jar. Twist off the lid and stick your snout into the container, and you’re greeted with the wafting aroma of, well, papaya. The sweet, creamy, tropical fruit smell is gentle at best, and may need a well-trained snout to be fully appreciated. Nonetheless, the little hints the herb lets out can be more than enough to get you chasing after the scent.


Papaya terpene profile


Experience and Effects

Grind that baby up and the broken up leaves let out even more of their coveted aroma. But as you stuff the herb into a bowl and light her up, her flavor tweaks ever so slightly in the form of smoke. Unlike the sweet pure papaya aroma, the smoke itself takes on a doughy, creamy, almost pastry-like flavor that fills your mouth with the sweet confection of a seasoned baker.

The smoke – smooth yet slightly rough around the edges – scrapes the throat every so slightly, causing a bit of a coughing fit in less experienced marijuana users. For veterans however, the smoke can be just the perfect texture that offers enough abrasion without fully skinning the inside of your throat. And as you clear the sticky film left behind by the plumes as they pass through your windpipe, you should taste a hint of berry and mango.

The cannabinoids get started on the mind and haze away the worries and apprehensions that might make comfort out of reach. Relaxation soon migrates towards the limbs, lightening the load to give you that air of energy that can see you through your daily routine – albeit at a slow controlled pace. Towards the end of the effects, the mild sativa buzz wanes away to pave the way for full on indica effects. The eyelids become heavy, breathing slows, and you’re ultimately swaddled off into a deep, sweet sleep.


Papaya Cannabis flower close up


Growing and Processing

Just like its tropical fruit namesake, the Papaya herb grows best where it can get lots of sun and heat. Partial to mild to moderate levels of humidity, this cultivar is also particularly hardy against moisture damage, mold, and mildew. Nonetheless, that shouldn’t be a reason for you to leave it to fend for itself. Watching out for excessive water exposure should help you bring this herb to fruition.

As a fast finisher, the Papaya cannabis plant can produce a viable harvest in about 7 to 9 weeks, depending on conditions. Yields can reach as much as 6 ounces per square foot. And because its a dumpy little thing, you may want to consider topping off the growth the help maximize its upward reach and increase your returns.


Who Is It For?

Perfect for nighttime use, the Papaya herb makes the ideal choice for both newbies and veterans who want the slow, gradual decline into sleepy stupor. By coursing you through a gentle body high, the social effects of Papaya at the start make it a wonderful way to get a dose of pillow talk with your special someone before finally calling it a night.

Farmers who are interested in reaping their first harvest should be happy to know that the Papaya herb isn’t difficult to cultivate. Far more tolerant of humidity, this herb’s non-specific needs make it a suitable pick for those who have yet to fully exercise their marijuana farming muscles.


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