Unveiling Quality: A Comprehensive Premium Jane Review for 2023

July 24, 2023 Blog No Comments »

In the r landscape of CBD wellness products, it can be tricky to navigate the number of brands vying for your attention. Enter Premium Jane, a high-quality brand known for its impressive range of top-tier CBD products. Our deep dive into Premium Jane’s products provides an objective and thorough review, shedding light on their product quality, sourcing, manufacturing process, and so much more.

Whether you are an experienced CBD user or want to dive into the world of hemp-derived wellness, this Premium Jane review will equip you to make decisions that will fulfill your needs. Join us as we explore the ins and outs of Premium Jane in 2023.

image of about the company premium jane cbd

About the Company: Premium Jane CBD

Premium Jane is a dynamic company based in Scottsdale, Arizona. Deeply rooted in the wellness and CBD industry, it specializes in high-quality CBD products. Founded by a team of cannabis advocates and experts led by co-founder Jeff Yauck, the company entered the scene with a mission to offer top-quality, affordable hemp extracts to the masses. Since its inception, Premium Jane has never wavered from its commitment to excellence, setting a benchmark in the industry for quality, transparency, and innovation.

The origins of Premium Jane trace back to the lush, fertile soils of Kentucky, where the company sources its 100% organic, non-GMO hemp. The company is passionate about the untapped potential of CBD and is determined to prove that hemp could be a safe, natural alternative for maintaining overall wellness. The founders envisioned a company that produces superior products and also educates the public about the potential benefits and uses of CBD.

Fast forward to the present, and the company has built an extensive line of Premium Jane products that embrace the power of full-spectrum CBD. Their product range includes CBD oils, capsules, topicals, CBD gummies, and even pet products. Each item is meticulously crafted with an emphasis on quality, ensuring consumers receive potent, effective CBD. From seed to sale, Premium Jane demonstrates a commitment to purity and potency, underlined by third-party lab testing.

Premium Jane Review: The Pros and Cons

Premium Jane presents many features and advantages that have won the hearts of consumers across the nation. However, it also has a few areas that could be improved. Let’s delve into the pros and cons of Premium Jane.

High-Quality, Non-GMO Hemp-Derived CBD Products:Premium Jane sets a high bar in the CBD market by ensuring its product line originates from non-GMO, organically grown hemp. This guarantees an unadulterated CBD experience, free from harmful additives or chemicals. By sticking to natural cultivation methods, Premium Jane products deliver a pure product range, allowing consumers to experience the benefits of high-quality CBD.Lack of Flavored Oils:While Premium Jane's CBD oil range impresses with its quality and potency, it can improve flavor variety. For consumers who don’t like the natural hemp taste, the absence of alternative flavored options may be a drawback. Incorporating a wider range of flavors could enhance the user experience, allowing a more personalized and enjoyable way to consume CBD oil.
Informative and User-Friendly Website:The highly informative Premium Jane website demonstrates the company’s commitment to consumer education. It serves as a rich resource center, filled with insightful articles, product descriptions, usage guidelines, and a detailed FAQ section. This emphasis on education demystifies CBD and makes it more approachable for new and experienced users alike.Absence of Vape Products:Another area of improvement is Premium Jane’s product variety, specifically regarding vape products. Vaping has emerged as a popular method for consuming CBD due to its rapid onset of effects. The lack of vape products in Premium Jane's lineup might deter a segment of potential customers who prefer this intake method. 
Highly Acclaimed Products:Premium Jane's commitment to excellence is mirrored in its product ratings. Numerous user testimonials and product reviews consistently praise the efficacy, quality, and reliability of their CBD products. These commendations underscore the brand's reputation and the positive impact of its products on the wellness routines of consumers.Premium Pricing:While the quality of products is indisputable, the cost might not be suitable for some customers. The pricing is reflective of the high-grade, non-GMO, organic hemp used and the extensive third-party lab testing carried out. However, these prices may be higher than some other brands in the market, making them less accessible for those on a tight budget. 

Despite a few minor drawbacks, Premium Jane continues to shine brightly in the CBD market. Their commitment to quality and customer education places them among the top contenders in the industry. Still, potential customers must always conduct their research and consider their needs before making a purchase.
Rigorous Lab Testing:Premium Jane's CBD products undergo stringent third-party lab testing. These tests verify that the products are free from harmful substances like pesticides, heavy metals, or microbial contaminants. They also validate the CBD concentration listed on product labels.
Accessible Worldwide Shipping and Free Domestic Delivery:Expanding its reach beyond U.S. borders, Premium Jane offers worldwide shipping, making their high-quality CBD products globally accessible. Additionally, they offer free shipping on all domestic orders, further enhancing customer satisfaction and accessibility. 

A Review of Premium Jane’s Products

Premium Jane offers various CBD product categories, from CBD oil, tinctures, and capsules to topicals and CBD gummies. Here’s a quick look at some of their staple CBD products:

image of premium jane cbd oils

Premium Jane CBD Oils

Premium Jane boasts a broad spectrum of CBD oil concentrations, with five distinct strengths available — 300 mg, 600 mg, 1,000 mg, 3,000 mg, and a robust 5,000 mg option. Each concentration is conveniently packaged in 30 mL bottles, ensuring ample supply for regular usage.

Customers can select from enticing flavors, such as Citrus and Peach Nectar. Additionally, those who prefer an authentic hemp experience can try the unflavored version. Premium Jane’s CBD oils provide terrific value for the price. While they may not feature cutting-edge formulas, they deliver robust potency across varying cannabinoid profiles.

Premium Jane CBD Capsules

Premium Jane CBD capsules feature a full-spectrum hemp extract with MCT oil to boost its bioavailability. These ensure maximum absorption in the body. The CBD is encased in a vegan-friendly, easy-to-swallow soft gel casing, making it a user-friendly CBD solution. If you’re seeking a straightforward way to incorporate CBD into your routine via capsules, Premium Jane CBD capsules make a fantastic choice.

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Premium Jane CBD Gummies

Premium Jane CBD gummies are an enticing alternative to their capsules, with each piece packing a potent 25 mg of broad-spectrum CBD. An assortment of delicious flavors is at your fingertips, including Lemon Lime or a mixed selection incorporating other delightful options. Premium Jane CBD gummies use broad-spectrum CBD because it meshes more harmoniously with edible formats. This type of CBD ensures that the texture of the gummies isn’t disrupted by the waxes or other plant chemicals present in the hemp plant. Thus, you can enjoy a smooth, palatable texture along with your CBD dose.

Premium Jane Bath Bombs

When it comes to bath bombs, Premium Jane distinguishes itself by offering five unique formulations and fragrances enriched with full-spectrum hemp extract. This is a noteworthy feature, as full-spectrum CBD bath bombs are a rare find in the market. This product is optimal for harnessing the synergistic health benefits of the entourage effect. Packed with 100 mg of CBD per bomb, Premium Jane bath bombs are competitively priced relative to similar offerings in the market. Its potency helps alleviate skin tension and muscular discomfort, making it an excellent choice for a soothing bath-time ritual.

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Premium Jane CBD Topicals

Premium Jane offers various topicals, each with different potencies of CBD that vary from a moderate 200 mg to a potent 1,500 mg. The selection includes a Cocoa Butter Salve, the most potent CBD topical in their lineup. This is complemented by a soothing Eucalyptus Salve, a rejuvenating Facial Day Cream, and a refreshing Facial Scrub and Cleanser.

Premium Jane CBD Dog Spray

Premium Jane’s CBD pet oils are specifically designed for smaller pets, ideally those weighing up to 30 pounds. Depending on your pet’s size, you have the option to select between a 250 mg and a 500 mg bottle to best suit their needs. Infused with a delightful bacon flavor as a standard, these pet oils are an excellent choice for furry friends that may turn up their noses at the natural flavor of full-spectrum CBD.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Premium Jane products full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, or CBD isolate?

Premium Jane offers a mix of full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, and CBD isolate products. These options enable customers to benefit from the full array of cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids in the hemp plant. The type of CBD varies by product, so it’s always a good idea to check the product description for specific details.

Are Premium Jane’s products expensive?

While Premium Jane CBD products may be priced slightly higher than other brands, the cost reflects the high-quality, non-GMO, organically grown hemp and the extensive third-party lab testing.


Premium Jane stands out as a frontrunner in the competitive CBD market. The company delivers high-quality, organic, non-GMO hemp-derived products that cater to various consumer preferences. While Premium Jane may have a few minor drawbacks, the advantages far outweigh them. The commitment to third-party lab testing, consumer education, worldwide accessibility, and diverse product offerings makes Premium Jane a brand worth considering.

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