TKO Hemp Flower by Terp Nation Review

terp nation owns the tko hemp flower brand
Customers who frequently visit vape shops have probably seen a new lineup of hemp flower called TKO on store shelves. Packaged in distinctive black canisters, these terpene-rich strains have been making the rounds in the hemp smoking community. Unfortunately, we don’t know much about the TKO brand, but we do know a bit more about TKO’s major distributor: Terp Nation.

Offering mostly dried hemp flowers and liquid terpenes, Terp Nation has become an increasingly common name in the CBD marketplace. Due to this newfound prominence, more and more people are getting interested in Terp Nation’s product line. 

Below, we’ll go over everything we know about Terp Nation, including the company’s current products and specialties. By the end of this piece, you should know whether Terp Nation is a hemp flower brand you’d feel comfortable buying from.

What’s On Offer? – Terp Nation’s Product Line

With a name like “Terp Nation,” it’s no surprise this company puts a heavy focus on aromatic terpenes. Indeed, we could split the company’s major products into three terpene-related categories: terpene liquids, terpene-rich CBD cartridges, and terpene-rich hemp flowers. Let’s take a closer look at each of these products one-by-one to get a better sense of Terp Nation’s offerings.


A Potent Blast Of Flavor: Terpene Liquids

A major feature of Terp Nation’s business is its line of purified liquid terpenes. There are now 15 flavors in Terp Nation’s terpene catalog:
assorted terpenes sold by terp nation

Since these terpenes are 100 percent pure, you must dilute the drops with an adequate amount of oil, vape juice, or finely ground herbs. As a rule of thumb, Terp Nation recommends using 1-2 drops of terpene liquid per gram of concentrate or oil.

Please bear in mind these liquids are derived from food sources rather than cannabis. While these terpenes are meant to resemble cannabis terpenes, they don’t offer any trace cannabinoids. Terp Nation offers lab results on its website for those who are interested in extraction methods and purity.

For Vapers: Terpene-Rich CBD Cartridges

Terp Nation also sells what it calls “CBD Terp Tanks” for vapers who want the benefits of cannabidiol plus a flavorful terpene blend. Each of these 0.5ml cartridges is made out of ceramic and contains 250mg of CBD isolate mixed with a food-derived terpene.

There are currently six different CBD cartridges vapers could choose from: 


Since the CBD is in its isolate form, customers won’t be exposed to any other cannabinoids or flavonoids from the hemp plant. The odorless and tasteless nature of CBD isolate also doesn’t clash with whatever terpene blend you choose.


hemp flower strains for sale tko terp nation

TKO Hemp Flower Review

Lastly, Terp Nation offers customers dried, high-CBD hemp flowers for smoking or vaping under the TKO label. All TKO hemp flowers come in black 7-gram canisters and include the following strains: 

For those who don’t want to deal with hemp flower, Terp Nation also offers many TKO pre-rolls and blunts. Two of these pre-rolls are considered “high grade” and include an additional layer of CBD concentrate with a drizzle of CBD isolate powder or CBD kief.

Consumers should be aware that all Terp Nation hemp flowers contain slight traces of THC. Although Terp Nation publishes thorough lab reports, it can’t guarantee each product will meet the legal 0.3 percent THC threshold.


tko lifter hemp flower by terp nation

Can You Buy From Terp Nation Online?

Unfortunately, Terp Nation doesn’t sell any of its products online. There are, however, a few secondary online vendors selling TKO hemp leaves.

The best place to start your search of TKO is at your local smoke or vape shop. If you don’t see TKO or other Terp Nation products there, then you could contact the company directly via email to find out more info.

Interested in more hemp flower brand reviews? Click here to read about the best vendors.

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