CBD Therapy Strain Review

With a name like CBD Therapy, it comes as no surprise how this strain has earned its place as one of the go-to cultivars for people in search of potent cannabinoid-based relief. The herb was specifically developed with the intention of providing users with a strong CBD profile minus the effects of THC. So what you get is a truly therapeutic experience that kicks it off with a delicate fruity, berry flavor that’s guaranteed to delight the senses.


CBD Therapy Strain Review


The Origins of the CBD Therapy Strain

There’s a lot of mystery surrounding the CBD Therapy lineage. While it has become quite popular among non-recreational users, there’s very little information on what two herbs came together to create it. What we can assume however is that both parents tout the sae strong CBD-centric genetics that the CBD Therapy strain demonstrates.

Another thing about CBD Therapy is that it can be interestingly unpredictable. The strain doesn’t demonstrate the same chemistry every time, so it’s difficult to tell how much CBD a specific strain will have when it grows. What’s consistent however is that the strain will demonstrate a relatively low THC content each time, with some batches showcasing almost negligible THC levels.


Aroma and Appearance

The CBD Therapy strain was cultivated for its therapeutic benefits, and that’s exactly what it does from the moment that it interacts with your senses. The delectable scent of fruit and berry waft effortlessly from the strain’s leaves, allowing a calming, soothing effect to take over the system from the moment that the terpenes collide with your olfactories. The delicate scent is underlined by hints of herb and spice that further highlight the organic overtones of succulent fruit.

On the surface, the look is essentially a mirror of the sweet aromas that the leaves contain. Bright green nugs painted with wispy yellows and oranges make the bud look especially appealing in a bag or a store’s shelves. Delicately undersized, each nug is compact and heavy which can make them especially ideal for the on the go use.


CBD Therapy Strain


Experience and Effects

CBD Therapy gets its name from the fact that it really does produce pronounced therapeutic effects. And it all starts with the smoke. The light, smooth, and sweet plumes that come from the burning leaves are fragrant and soothing. Passing through the throat, the clouds leave no sign of abrasion and allow even the lowest tolerance users to experience its calming effects without a fuss.

The chemistry is fast acting, allowing the herb’s effects to take place as soon as the smoke imbues into your blood stream. In a nutshell, you might describe the experience to be freeing. Offering relief against all sorts of discomfort and stress, the soothing effects of the CBD Therapy cultivar can whisk you away to a floaty, dream state that cancels out the pressures of daily life. Working on both mind and body, this strain is the perfect choice for users who want to do away with tension and discomfort – whether born of stress or other conditions.


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