Mini Mothers vs Mother CBD Hemp Clones vs Regular Clones

Genetic stability is important to those who wish to grow plants consistently. If you are looking to grow at the same rate of maturity, CBD hemp clones taken from mother plants are the way to go.

There are many options to choose from, but selecting the right mother is not always obvious to those without a green thumb and a working knowledge of cultivation. That’s why we’re here to tell you everything you need to know about the differences between mini-mothers, mother CBD hemp clones and regular clones.


 As you may already know, cloned plants originate from seed plants. Experienced breeders have refined the delicate art of combining the right strains to produce desired results. Of course, there are many variables to consider from terpene profile to cannabinoid content.

The cuttings from the ideal seed plant(s) are rooted and a mother clone is harvested so that identical characteristics can be replicated repeatedly. The key to this process lies in the identification of the suitable mother plant. Since everyone’s needs and growing environments are different, you will want to consider what height you would want each of your plants to reach. If you are growing indoors, it only makes sense to go with a mini-mother.

To yield a proper mini-clone, you will want to start with a mother plant that hasn’t been over-harvested.  The longer the harvest, the more likelihood of weaker plants. Mini-mothers that have been over-harvested will invariably lead to plants which cannot hold up against weather conditions or other environmental factors. Mini-mothers should be kept in a relatively bug free place and maintained by regular monitoring, frequent spraying and the introduction of predator bugs where necessary. Mini-mothers are then carefully cut and trimmed, and kept under appropriate lights.

LED grow lights are the optimal choice when growing indoors as they typically feature a specialized spectrum for vegging. Most growers agree that you should choose a light that is compatible with a timer so that your mini-mom can be fed light on a fixed schedule. This will ameliorate production of chlorophyll while avoiding the risk of burning. The best source for a mini-mother is a trusted farm with strong quality control standards. Top CBD hemp clone purveyors don’t just dump a 10 day old clone on you and expect you to rush your plant into the ground in a matter of days.

Experienced vendors understand that there are stress factors that can contribute to a female becoming a male. The infancy of a plant is a tenuous time, a time when tender love and care are imperative. That is why the top growers take care to check root development, water levels and general plant health prior to introducing mini-moms to open air.

Like mini-mothers, mother CBD hemp clones are taken from plants which have been chosen based on a meticulous selection process, one that factors in parentage and terpene profile. Standard mother clones come from standard size plants and will result in full size clones that match their mommy in both height and chemical properties.

Mother plants are highly valued plants that grow in a perpetual vegetative state and grow with the same vigor as their source. By germinating a handful of fastidiously selected seeds, growers can save money, and avoid the hassle of the marketplace and its fluctuating costs. Mother CBD hemp clones will grow to full capacity, reaching heights of around 120 cm if properly cared for. There will be no short phenotypes, and all plants will be homogenous in growth and design. These feminized clones will yield high-CBD/low-THC plants with robust, full-bodied hemp flowers.

Regular clones, on the other hand, are un-feminized and will, therefore, be hermaphroditic. Hermaphroditic clones will possess both male and female characteristics. This means that they will possess half female and half male genetics.

The self-pollination of your plant will result in a greater chance of recessive genes manifesting in future generations of plants. This makes it more difficult to minimize labor costs and maximize your yield since an increasing amount of attention must be paid to such plants.




There are a number of possible contingencies that must be evaluated when growing CBD hemp clones. These are some of the fundamental considerations growers must make:


Finally, consider all options before purchasing a CBD hemp clone. Remember that clones are incapable of developing a tap root and are, therefore, weaker on average than plants grown from seed. You can make up for this by maintaining high standards of hygiene, feeding, lighting and more.

Once you’ve taken your cuttings, be sure to step lively, moving them in haste to their new home and placing them beneath a canopy or humidity dome. Avoiding direct contact with the open air is integral, lest your stems end up with air bubbles that cause contamination.



 If you do not reside in a particularly warm climate, you may want to invest in a heat mat which can offer gentle bottom heat. You may also want to re-calibrate the precise locations of your grow lights on a frequent basis as this will eliminate the potential of burning. And speaking of burning, if you’ve got money to burn you can always set up a series of aeroponic sprayers to optimize dissolved oxygen. The roots of your plant will thank you.

Finally, there is always the option of purchasing rooting stimulators which do much of the work for you. Tools like the Yield Lab Pro Series Complete Clone and Rooting Package deliver all the goods you’ll need to accelerate root growth with a membrane replacement filter, Cell Starter formula, medical grade scalpels and a clone gel with a 99% success rate.



 Only you can answer that question as everyone’s needs are unique. For the best results, always start with a sturdy, safe and reliable growing environment. Be safe, be smart and be well.

Further Reading

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