A Comprehensive Hemp Clones Buyers Guide


A CBD Hemp Clones Guide

After the passing of the 2018 farm bill, the CBD industry is projected to grow dramatically in the next few years. According to, the hemp industry is set to surpass $22 billion in value by 2022. To be compliant with the Colorado Department of Agriculture and federal law, your hemp should contain THC levels of less than 0.3 percent. Whether you are a farmer or a retailer, sourcing high-CBD raw material of the highest quality should your highest priority.

Benefits of Hemp Clones Over Seeds

Buying bulk CBD hemp clones is a perfect way to start your crop by removing the uncertainty factor that comes with seeds. Let’s look at all the benefits that CBD hemp clones have over seeds.


Gender Matters

mini mother high cbd hemp clones

Like most plants, hemp plants are each either male or female. Only female hemp plants are used CBD extraction and processing due to their high CBD content within the hemp flower and other parts of the plant. Male hemp plants have only small amount of CBD comparatively and therefore are not used for these purposes.

Every hemp seed can be either male or female (with the exception of feminized hemp seeds). You only know the gender of plant any given seed will produce until it has grown to a height of at least several inches, which could take weeks or longer. After all that wait, any male plants you identify you’ll have to remove. They don’t provide sufficient CBD to harvest and will only seed your female plants, thereby reducing their CBD-production capacity.

By contrast, a clone is always the same gender as the mother plant from which it was cut. Therefore, instead of wasting all that time gambling with regular hemp seeds that may not even be useful to you, grow from clone and start with a crop you know is all female.

Certainty and Consistency

Not all hemp plants of the same strain are equally strong, prolific and potent. When you grow hemp from seed, you may know the strain, and if you pay extra money for certified feminized hemp seeds, you may even know the sex. But you never know what quality of plant of that strain any given seed will produce. You may, for example, grow some runts. You may grow a hermaphrodite plant that produces its own seeds, diverting nutrients from CBD production. You may simply grow a different and less desirable phenotype of that strain.

When you grow from clone, those clones are cut from a mother plant. Only the strongest, most vibrant, prolific and potent plants of a given strain are chosen to be mothers. Since clones grow identically to their mother, when you grow from clone you have certainty that the plants you grow will consistently match the highest levels of quality of that phenotype of their strain.

Growing Time

Growing hemp from seed takes from a month to six weeks longer than growing hemp from clones as that’s about how long it takes for the germinating seed to grow into a plant the same size a clone is already. Growing hemp from clone is a lot faster from start to finish than growing from seed, allowing you to reach harvest sooner and potentially plant more crops in a single plot in the same period of time.

Care & Attention

By their nature, seedlings are much more delicate than clones. They require far more care and attention as more can go wrong. With clones, by contrast, you can generally grow quality hemp successfully with far less diligence and effort.

What to Check Before Buying Hemp Clones

mother high cbd hemp clones for sale

Not all hemp clones are the same, even if of the same strain from the same mother plant. To make sure you get the healthiest, strongest hemp clones, you must check each one carefully before you decide to buy it.


Here’s a quick checklist for prospective CBD hemp clone buyers:

Below you will find some of the most popular high CBD hemp clones for sale at Industrial Hemp Farms:

Don’t want to pay for the hemp clones or seeds?

If you are interested in wholesale CBD hemp clones, reach out to a member of our sales team. Come and inspect our collection of mother and mini mother hemp plants for sale in our 300-acre facility in Colorado.

Even if you don’t have the funds necessary just yet, we are still interested in working with you. We will negotiate a profit split with you and supply the hemp clones and seeds in exchange for an agreeable split of the harvest. This is a great solution for hemp farmers on a tight budget. Call us today at 800-985-9587 or email us.

Further Reading on Hemp Clones

Tips for Sourcing CBD Hemp Clones in Colorado
CBD Hemp Clones Tennesse

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