Marijuana Strains

Northern Lights Cannabis Strain

Northern Lights Cannabis Strain Review

With a reputation that’s as bright and brilliant as the Aurora Borealis herself, the Northern Lights strain is a cannabis superstar, coveted for her bountiful resin, rapid growth, and delightful...

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Lucky Charms Cannabis Strain

Lucky Charms Cannabis Strain Review

Sharing a name with a favorite childhood breakfast treat, the Lucky Charms cannabis strain gets its name from its colorful, powder dusted exterior more than anything else. The herb’s flavor and...

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Lemon Skunk Cannabis Strain

Lemon Skunk Cannabis Strain Review

There is an unspoken preference among cannabis lovers for strains with engrossing citrus scents. So much so, in fact, that these strains usually end up becoming favorites within the community...

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Lamb’s Bread Cannabis Strain

Lamb’s Bread Cannabis Strain Review

This Jamaican bred strain, also called Lamb’s Breath, is possibly one of the most underestimated cannabis strains available. Probably due to its limited distribution, this sativa is not the easiest...

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Jack Skellington Cannabis Strain

Jack Skellington Cannabis Strain Review

You read the name right - Jack Skellington as in the Pumpking King in the Nightmare Before Christmas. Unlike the famous Tim Burton animation, this herb won’t give you a...

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Hindu Kush Cannabis Strain

Hindu Kush Cannabis Strain Review

Pure as pure can be, the Hindi Kush is an ancient strain to which many a successful cannabis crossbreed owes their success. With an almost a mystical flair, the Hindi...

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Headband Cannabis Strain

Headband Cannabis Strain Review

What do great NBA players like Lebron James, Allen Iverson, and Paul Pierce have in common? They all wore headbands. And you know what? So can you. It won’t make...

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Harlequin Cannabis Strain

Harlequin Cannabis Strain Review

A harlequin is a pantomime comedian from the Italian theaters of old. What made these individuals stand out during their performances were their outfits designed with different colored patches of...

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Grape Stomper Cannabis Strain

Grape Stomper Cannabis Strain Review

From its name, you might think that the Grape Stomper strain has a distinct and strong grape flavor. But the herb throws a curve ball right off the bat, lending...

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Ghost OG Cannabis Strain

Ghost OG Cannabis Strain Review

Aptly named for its slow, inconspicuous effects, the Ghost OG strain can creep up on your system and take your body into the possession of its calm, cool stupor. Strong...

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fruit loops strain of cannabis under light

Fruit Loops Cannabis Strain Review

Fruit loops will always be one of the most beloved of childhood cereals. Heck, you might still be scarfing down that stuff now that you’re a full grown adult in...

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Elmer’s Glue Cannabis Strain

Elmer’s Glue Cannabis Strain Review

No one in their right mind would take an actual taste of Elmer’s glue but if it were a cannabis strain, this is definitely how it would taste and feel....

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