Select My Level CBD Oil

The Level Select CBD brand takes a unique angle and caters mainly to adults and older individuals who want to experience the same youthful vigor of their previous years. Specifically intended for athletes who might be a little over the average age for their sport, the Level Select CBD line-up gives well-deserved relief versus the discomfort and aches that might hinder an older player from maximizing their athletic potential.

With varying formulations for different levels of need, the Level Select brand lets you fine tune your dosage to match exactly what you’re feeling. Every specific product and formulation is available in three different levels that up the concentration to help you experience relief on just the right level.


Select My Level CBD


More About Level Select

Level Select is one of the premier CBD brands on the market, offering premium formulations that are intended especially for older athletes and active individuals. Their products are derived from self-grown hemp that’s cultivated from top-grade seeds. Their farmers work hand in hand with scientists, using 25 years of experience in the agricultural industry in order to support the needs of hemp plants to maximize their genetic potential.

Having won the 2018 Growers of the Year by Indo Expo, the Level Select team is one of the most experienced in the business. With greenhouses in California, Colorado, Minnesota, Maryland, and West Virginia, Level Select uses the latest and greatest farming and processing technologies to ensure premium product quality.


The Level Select Product Line-Up

Select My Level CBD OilThe Level Select brand features three different products with varying strength levels. Of course, a standout favorite would have to be their oils which come in three strengths and one sleep formulation. Level 1 contains 1200 mg of CBD per serving, and retails for $69.99 for a 30 mL bottle. Needless to say, their products are slightly more expensive than others you’re likely to find. Other oils the Level 2 at 2400mg and the Level 3 at 5000mg. Their special Zzz sleep formula incorporates melatonin into a 2400mg CBD formulation.

Other than their oils, the Level Select brand also offers Sports Roll Ons and Sports Creams. Both infused with CBD, these creams are intended to provide localized relief versus sports related discomfort and aches. Both products also come in three strength levels, and are infused with a soothing cooling mint fragrance that makes for a more pleasant experience overall. According to the brand, the Level 1 products are intended to treat everyday muscle discomfort. Level 2 formulations are for higher levels of muscle soreness and pain. While Level 3 is intended for more severe situations where numbing relief might be necessary.


The Verdict

The Level Select brand takes a creative spin on CBD product strength formulations. Making it easier for athletes and older adults to figure out the right dosage for their situation, Level Selects strength leveling system allows a more intuitive selection process that lets you fine tune your choice to match your level of discomfort and need.


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