CTFO CBD Oil Review

The increasing demand for CBD means that there will always be new brands popping up around the market, hoping to take their piece of the cake. And while we all love seeing new vendors bringing their own unique personality and style to the market, no one wants to see another multi-level marketing company. Unfortunately, CTFO CBD has other plans.

The poorly established brand has a sketchy website that doesn’t even show up on the first page of Google search results. Short for ‘Change the Future Outcome’, CTFO focuses mainly on selling their business rather than their products. And with that kind of emphasis, it’s hard for buyers to really find the confidence to buy what they sell.


CTFO CBD Oil Review

All it takes is one look at the CTFO website, and you should figure out what they’re all about. CTFO’s slice of online cyberspace places emphasis on their bundles which provides you a selection of their products at a discounted price. You’ll also notice that you can’t click through their header links, so there’s no way to navigate away from the product page.

If you’re looking to learn more about the quality of their product, it would be much better to simply take to Google to read what others have to say about them. But a fair warning — because CTFO CBD is an MLM, most of the posts you’ll read about them come from their resellers, hoping to improve the CTFO image so they can make easier sales.

Fortunately, there are still some bastions of truth like Reddit where you should be able to find more trustworthy information about CTFO and what they offer. Again though, threads are scarce, but the ones that are available talk about how the brand’s products don’t come with proper documentation and might not contain pure CBD.


CTFO CBD Product Line-Up

Try to visit the product page on the CTFO website and you’ll find that it’s really just a bunch of sales copy that doesn’t truly explain the specifics of their products. There’s no information on the blend, the strength, or the flavors they offer for their oils. So you’ll have to check other sources to learn the nitty gritty.

Based on what we’ve found, CTFO offers their oils in a number of strengths: 300mg, 500mg, 750mg, and 1500mg. They’re available in the flavors natural and peppermint, and they use either full-spectrum or isolate in all of their tinctures.

Sure, if you’re a buyer looking at the product alone, you might say that it’s worth a shot. But the long list of ‘benefits’ that the brand pastes alongside their oils can be pretty disturbing, almost like a hard-sell. They throw around a bunch of claims, saying that their oils kill bacteria, reduce risk of artery blockage, and even promotes bone growth, among many other bold claims.

Now, if you’ve been buying CBD oil for a while, you probably already know that the FDA doesn’t allow brands to come up with such strong claims because these benefits have yet to be proven by research. That said, any responsible vendor would be more interested in protecting the future of CBD legality than making a sale today at the expense of the entire market.

It’s also important to point out that if you navigate to the page where they post lab reports for their oils, you’ll discover that the analyses date as far back as March of 2020. This could mean one of two things — that their products on-hand have been around for that long, or that they use the same old lab report from previous batches to represent the chemistry of present batches.


CTFO CBD Pricing and Coupon Codes

As you might expect, their oils aren’t exactly cheap. According to their website, their tinctures sell for $99.97 for their 500mg 10x Pure Full Spectrum CBD Oil. Isolate oil drops go for as much as $59.97 for 500mg, and their Pure CBD Oil Herbal Drops with Peppermint flavor sell for $49.97 for 300mg.

Obviously, the best way to get a discount would be to order in bulk. They have three tiers of discounts available, namely silver, gold, and platinum. The more you buy, the bigger the discounts you get. Orders reaching $349 get 15% off, orders $699 or more get 20% off, and orders $1,199 and over get 25% off.

If you decide to become a CTFO associate, you get 30% off on all of your orders. Coupon codes do not exist since the brand doesn’t really focus too much on their retail front. On the upside, they do offer an 80-day satisfaction guarantee.


The Verdict on CTFO

While we’d all love to try a brand new CBD product as much as the next guy, the sketchy stuff going on behind the CTFO brand makes it tough to take the leap. Their dated lab reports, insanely bold health claims, and their pushy MLM business structure tend to ward off any interested retail buyers.

Plus, since the brand doesn’t have a lot of buyer generated reviews online that you can trust, it’s bound to be a hit or miss if you decide to give their stuff a go. All of that said, it might be better to set your sights on a more reputable, more truthful brand.


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